Transportation Startups List

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ID 60543

Ian Garmaise

Product Manager with Koda Media Group

ID 345353

Dimas Avila

I am a serial entrepreneur and I´ve been awarded with National and International startups contest. I am always looking for new challenges and new ventures

ID 367523

Nadia Yun

Brand Marketing @google. 8+ years CPG Intl @starbucks-coffee-company Founding Team, Growth Hacker @tatcha-llc . Founder @airbrush-genie @Geminievents

ID 16894

Christopher Rae


Senior Director of Global Operations @verimatrix-inc Enthusiast for tech startups, food, wine, rum, chess, hockey and frequent last-minute international travel.

ID 524873

Jianhan Wang

Student and MRC student manager at @babson-college '15. Previous Summer Study Mentor @babson-college

ID 680585

Martina Mauro

Media relations for Amazon Italy and Italia Startup. Former PR manager of Key Capital. Master in Business Management. Founder of, ISAR member.

ID 183694

Aditya Pandyaram

Product Manager @augmate . Worked at @general-electric, @Esterline • Studied at @georgia-institute-of-technology, @university-of-illinois-urbana-champaign

ID 784180

Lauren Henderson

Claremont McKenna College senior, graduating May 2015

ID 434723

Valerie Moye

Aspiring Social/Eco-Entrepreneur with focus on: Urban Sustainability, Open Data, Civic Tech, Sharing Economy.

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